A Soul’s Journey
“Dive into “A Soul’s Journey,” a captivating tale of a Soul navigating a mystical world before being paired with Earth’s creatures. Michele L. Hinton and Christopher Novander explore intriguing “what ifs” and delve into the complexities of choice, consequence, and judgment. This enchanting story will captivate your imagination and leave you pondering the nature of our very existence. Don’t miss this 4.8-star rated spiritual adventure that offers an enthralling journey beyond our earthly realm.”
A Soul’s Journey is the fantastical story of one good Soul’s struggle making it’s way through the Soul Lines. There are a lot of “what ifs” in the world. It is believed that all creatures on Earth have a Soul. So, what if a Soul existed in a world of its own before being paired with the creatures of Earth? There are choices to be made and rules to follow, and just like the people of Earth, if rules are broken, unintentionally or not, there are consequences that follow, judgments to be rendered and punishments to fit the crime.